Thursday, July 29, 2010

Strength Through Weakness

Yesterday we dropped off all 123 students from the Texas Super Summer team at the airport. They were an amazing team. We all thoroughly enjoyed each and everyone of them. I had a trek of 13 high schoolers and 1 adult chaperon. I couldn't have asked for a better trek. I think by the end of the week they all really got what this life is about. God doesn't need us anywhere. It's not about us. He chooses to use us for His glory all around the world with all kinds of people. It was beautiful to hear how God has change and ruined their lives in their time here. The Orange Trek was a great last team to go out with. These next three days will be spent either climbing Mt. Fuji or going to the Disney parks here. I chose Disney haha. After that we have a Sayonara Party, debriefing, cleaning, and leaving. This summer has absolutely flown by. It has been a great two and a half months. The team that I have been blessed with has been beyond my expectations. We had no drama. We didn't have any huge personality clashes. We got along and worked well together. We were able to stay focused. I believe all of that was possible because of your prayers. By the power and grace of God my job as team leader has been easier than I ever thought it could be. Several of the leaders of the TSS team affirmed my co-leader and I a lot. It was great to hear that what they are being told on the other side of the ocean is positive. We can't take any credit for anything good and positive this summer. We have to point that all back to the Lord. He held us together and stifled our pride enough for us to point back to Him and His power and mercy. I am thankful for the M's we have gotten to work with and how much they have poured into us. We really feel like a part of their family, we really feel loved. That in and of itself is a blessing.

As I write this, I have exactly 9 days left in Tokyo. I has definitely not hit me completely yet. As much as I don't want to, I have to start preparing myself to leave this place that has definitely become a home for me for two summers. I have no idea if and when I will be back. I love this place, I love these people, I will miss my brothers and sisters I have had the privilege to live with. It's weird to think about. I feel like I have been here forever, yet at the same time I'm not quite sure where the summer went exactly. A part of my heart will always be in Tokyo, Japan for the rest of my life. I am astounded and extremely grateful that God has given me this opportunity, twice. If you would have told me after I graduated from high school that in two years I would be finishing my second JSI summer in Japan and everything that has come along with that, I don't think I would have believed you. God has taken me on an adventure that I never expected, and I know we have a long way to go. I am excited to see what God has next for me, my fellow interns, and Japan. Just this week we have two new sisters and a new brother in Christ. That makes 7 or 8 for the whole summer. That may seem like a small amount, but they are true, genuine conversions. I would gladly take that than 100 iffy or possibly false conversions. God is at work. The ground is so much softer than it has been. Keep praying for Japan. I don't know what God has next for these people, but something is definitely building up. Who knows, maybe a great Japanese awakening will happen in our life time. How incredible would that be?! I have no idea that it is coming. I anxiously await the day it breaks out, whether I'm around to see it or not.

Please pray that we all finish strong. I know that we are tired. Ministry is technically over other than meeting with contacts, but just because it's not on a schedule that doesn't mean we shouldn't still be looking for divine appointments. Pray for the people we have met, the seeds we have planted and watered, and especially our new brothers and sisters. It is hard enough to be a Japanese person, it is really hard to be a Japanese Christian. Constantly keep the Church here in Japan in your prayers. God is definitely working.

Pray that we will all be able to process everything God has done in and through us this year. Pray that as we head home we wouldn't get lazy, we wouldn't let Satan fool us into any traps. Pray that we wouldn't have a "Japan high" but that we would be genuinely changed from who we were. There are a couple of interns who have had family members die this past week. Pray that the would cling to the God of all comfort and hope in this time.

One thing God has really been teaching me since last night is that my strength isn't enough. I have to depend on Him. I have been running hard without much of a break since last May. I am exhausted spiritually and physically. I know that I need this breaking point. As I was praying last night, God brought me from a aching tiredness to a joy and warm and peace in a tiredness that comes from running with Him. I am tired, but joyfully so. Pray that I would seek the Lord in this time and let Him fill me back up. Pray that I would stay focused on the interns God has entrusted to me for this last week. I don't want to quit now. This is my last chance to really love on them, and there is nothing I desire more. Thank you for your prayers. I cannot express enough how they make this work, and all mission work, possible. I love you guys.

1 comment:

  1. It was such a joy to watch you lead this past week. You're a beautiful person and it's clearly because of Christ in your life. I enjoyed learning from you while we were there.
    Sorry we never got that coffee and our own conversation time. Maybe when you return?
    Love you.
